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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

z.B: zum Buch

Essay writer: Ulrike Stoltz
Images/graphics: Uta Schneider
Categories: Reference / Essays

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Reference no.:R/M/usus/14.00

Book title: z.B: zum Buch
Published by: USUS
Year made: 2014
Place made: Germany
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 290 x 375
Physical description: folded sheet
Further information:
Currently held in this collection issues #1, #2, #3, #4.
z.B is a bilingual (German and English) broadsheet series with essays by Ulrike Stoltz and graphics by Uta Schneider. z.B is the abbreviation in German for 'zum Beispiel' meaning 'for example' and here now it also abbreviates 'zum Buch' meaning 'to the book'.

"It all started with a hint: There is a 'newspaper' in Glasgow, printing newspapers also in small(est) edition, and delivering world wide ... This news was kind of electrifying, as if I had nothing else to do ... and meant to start, to try out, to experiment, to make print outs, to receive samples, to discuss possible contents. And yes: We will do it together as . Why not."

(from the editorial by Ulrike Stoltz)

Essay writer: Ulrike Stoltz
Images/graphics: Uta Schneider

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All images are subject to copyright.

IMAGES: z.B: zum Buch

z.B: zum Buch - 1

z.B: zum Buch - 2

z.B: zum Buch - 3

z.B: zum Buch - 4

z.B: zum Buch - 5