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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Criteria for collection

Please read the criteria for collection before submitting your work for consideration. Since its inception the collection criteria have both broadened and become more focussed.

  • The subject matter of a work and how it is developed, constructed or deconstructed is crucial in the selection of work. The book has always been a vehicle for the expression of ideas. The topics collected are those of personal interest to the owner.
  • The book is a dynamic object, activated by the turning of the page and the progression of a narrative. The book hides and reveals simultaneously. Work that engages with these intrinsic qualities of the book will be given serious consideration. Book objects are not collected.
  • The book is a physical object. The codex is the most common form. Work that masters and/or challenges the physical object, the three dimensionality of the book and the page will be given serious consideration. E-books or computer dependant books are not collected.
  • Quality of craftsmanship is important. The appropriateness of the binding to the content of the work is essential.
  • The books are considered to be a long term investment and the use of acid free materials ie papers, glues and binding materials, is highly recommended. The use of low grade sticking tapes such as masking tape and gaffer (fabric) tape should be avoided.
  • A note on Illustrated Books. The boundaries between the fields of book arts practice are very blurry. Illustrated books are not the focus of this collection yet examples of work that could be catagorised as illustrated books have none the less crept on to the shelves. The relationship between image and text is probably the most significant factor that distinguishes illustrated books from other books by artists. In an illustrated book the artist intends to further illustrate the text. In artists' books the images compliment, juxtapose or adjunct the text.

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Der Mensch ist Kein Haustier