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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Libro 8

Designer, concept: Bruno Munari
Categories: Bookwork / Dynamic Page Books, Multi-media Books

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Reference no.:NL/Mun.B/80.08 Place/Shelf:2DL

Book title: Libro 8
Published by: Danese, Edizioni per Bambini
Year made: 1980
Place made: Italy
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 95 x 95
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: machine stitched felt (flisellina)
Medium: cut felt with button
Further information:
But do people use these books?
Some read lots of them, others use them for decoration. Some people only have one book in the house, the telephone directory.

Designer, concept: Bruno Munari

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IMAGES: Libro 8

Libro 8 - 1

Libro 8 - 2