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Title (click for details) | Artist/s | Publisher | Year | Image |
Each New Book | Letterpress printer: Alan Loney |
The Codex Foundation | 2008 | |
In a Single Gesture | Poet: Alan Loney |
Nawakum Press | 2012 | |
Verso 1 | Profiled artist: Sue Anderson Profiled artist: Gwen Harrison Profiled artist: Bruno Leti Profiled artist: Chris Wallace-Crabbe Profiled artist: Brendan O'Brien Contributor: Marian Crawford Contributor: Alan Loney Contributor: Alex Selenitsch Contributor: Peter Vangioni Contributor: R D Wood |
Verso Magazine | 2015 | |
Unshelfmarked: Reconceiving the artist's book | Writer: Michael Hampton Profiled artist: Lazar Markovich Lissitzky Profiled artist: Tom Phillips Profiled artist: Dieter Roth Profiled artist: Guy Begbie Profiled artist: Edward Ruscha Profiled artist: Alan Loney |
Uniform Books | 2015 | |
Verso 2 | Profiled artist: Sabine Golde Profiled artist: Timothy Ely Profiled artist: Terence McKenna Profiled artist: Elizabeth Steiner Profiled artist: Sheree Kinlyside Contributor: Marian Crawford Contributor: Derek Lamb Contributor: Alan Loney Contributor: Francis McWhannell Contributor: R D Wood Contributor: Ian Morrison |
Verso Magazine | 2016 | |
Verso 3 | Editor/publisher: Alan Loney Writer: Alan Loney Writer: Alex Selenitsch Writer: Derek Lamb Profiled artist: Donald Friend Writer: Peter Vangioni Writer: Ian Morrison |
Verso Magazine | 2016 | |
Verso 4 | Editor/publisher: Alan Loney Essay writer: Alan Loney Essay writer: Carolee Campbell Essay writer: Marian Crawford Essay writer: Derek Lamb Essay writer: Gregory O'Brien Profiled artist: Angela Gardner Profiled artist: Gwenn Tasker |
Alan Loney | 2016 | |
The Book as a Work of Art in our Time | Contributor: Alan Loney Contributor: Sheree Kinlyside Contributor: Marian Crawford |
Verso Magazine | 2016 | |
Verso 5 | Editor/publisher: Alan Loney Contributor: Alan Loney Contributor: Marian Crawford Contributor: Angela Gardner Contributor: Richard Seibert Contributor: Chris Adamson Contributor: Phil Day Profiled artist: Julie Chen Profiled artist: James Johnson Profiled artist: Cecil Johnson Profiled artist: Sheree Kinlyside Profiled artist: Norman McKnight Profiled artist: Derek Lamb Profiled artist: Robert Summers Contributor: Ian Morrison |
Alan Loney | 2017 | |
Verso 1 (new series) | Editor/publisher: Alan Loney Contributor: Alan Loney Contributor: Marian Crawford Profiled artist: Sue Anderson Profiled artist: Gwen Harrison Contributor: Derek Lamb Contributor: Des Cowley Profiled artist: Bruno Leti Profiled artist: Alan Loney Contributor: Noel Waite Contributor: Ian Morrison Profiled artist: Russell Maret |
Alan Loney | 2017 | |
Verso 2 (new series) | Editor/publisher: Alan Loney Contributor: Alan Loney Contributor: Marian Crawford Profiled artist: Lyn Ashby Contributor: Derek Lamb Contributor: Richard Wagener |
Alan Loney | 2018 | |
Verso 3 (new series) | Editor/publisher: Alan Loney Contributor: Angela Gardner Contributor: Des Cowley Contributor: Marian Crawford Contributor: Noel Waite Contributor: Ian Morrison |
Alan Loney | 2018 | |
The Codex Papers: Volume 1 | Editor/publisher: Peter R. Koch Editor: Gerald Cloud Contributor: Robert Bringhurst Contributor: Gerald Cloud Contributor: Johanna Drucker Contributor: Alan Loney Contributor: Richard Wagener |
The Codex Foundation | 2018 | |
In Search of the Book as a Work of Art | Writer: Alan Loney |
Opifex | 2019 |
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